February 20th 2004,
          Lots have happened since my last post like Super Shima's Birthday, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Presidents Day...etc. Oh well. I have been looking into cheap domains and right now I'm and looking at one for $12.95 a year (yeah cheapness!) This site if I ever get it a domain will be redone and That girl of Bardcelona will be transfered while Ozzies Academy will be deleted. I mean I still love Monkey Island and the whole Ozzie academy/devil chicken idea but there's is too many other Monkey Island sites out there. Atleast with TGOB I have the biggest El Dorado site. I have thought about getting one of those online journals to ramble on about my complicated little life full of unfinished projects, forgotten ideas, and an assortment of lists. But who would really care? I know I wouldn't besides knowing me (with whom I'd like to think I know pretty well) I would update the thing for 3 weeks tops before I got bored with it. Let's see what else. Oh yeah me and a rep from a college in toronto looks promising who knows maybe it will work out. Speaking of colleges and education you know what is probably one of my biggest pet peeves is? (I mean so big that upon it's mention I would probably kick your ass for bringing it up) It's teasin me about my education in a way saying that I'm some kind of idiot. God I hate then when people look down on me! Ash did that and fucken pissed me off! Even if she was teasing! Or another one that goes with it. Questioning my descisions. Damn It Troy did that one to me I wanted to fucken kill him! Yes I decided to wait till I was 18 to learn to drive, yes I did get a GED (Which for all you assholes who don't know is a diploma!) But you know what? Those descions among others are mine to make and I don't regret them. I swear, I want to go to Canada for college not only because it's cheaper with same amount of education but I sometimes want to lose all contact with everyone I ever met! I mean everyone! Ash, Khaki, Tim, even Dan! I want to come back 10 or 15 years later completely different having made something out of myself. And go to everyone "Fuck you! I made my own choices and descions and I'm where I want to be. What anbout you?" Is it wrong to say you want to forget everyone you ever met in your entire life? That's how I seriously feel. At times I want to live my life in complete social solitude (buissness grounds is the only exception) It's like everyone is in my way... Most of you didn't realize how anti-social the Oracle is did you K+O fans?
December 2nd 2003,
          I updated some of the pages to make them look nice. I hope to find a cheaper site service because homestead is being a  Royal ass hole and charging me $85 a year to keep up these sites. Best of all they update your account every year with so called "Free Upgrades" that they charge you 10 to 15 dollars extra for and I expect if I continue with them my site will be up to $100 a year. Now Khaki and Oracle I wouldn't mind just whipeing the whole thing and starting over but That Girl of Barcelona has just WAY to much stuff for me to do over So I'll probably end up getting rid of this site and making it better entirely once I find a new Service (hopefully with a domain name cheaper then what I'm paying now for a non domain) and my El Dorado site will just be moved over. Let's see what else is New...Oh yes Khaki was home for Thanksgiving and didn't attmpt to call me or email me in any way so A big "FUCK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT KHAKI!" can go out to her  So I'm kinda flaming pissed at her for that uh.... I'm looking into flights to England I can't say when in case Dan reads this. But it won't be anytime soon unfortunately.
October 8th 2003,
          A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ALMIGHTY ORACLE! I'M FINALLY 18! Ok I know ia haven't updated in a really long time but I'm going to this week hopefully. I also know that some of the pics in the other art gallery don't work... I plan on redesigning that and the Stickfigure gallery soon too. I know I don't have the prom pics up in the Gallery but I'll do that when I redisign those two pages. Today I updated the Khaki and Oracle best quotes on the Misc page
NO WE DON'T SELL PANTS AND/OR SOFTWARE!!!!!!!! We're a cartoon company :) Now a company that sells pants and software? Now that's silly! It sounds like something Stan the Evil Nazi Garbage Man would do
We "The Almighty Oracle, The Almighty Khaki, and The Almighty Ash" are proud members of Chel hater's Club.
And I, Khaki, am a proud supporter of gay rights. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Chel. I HATE that hoe!!!

Last updated on: February 20, 2004

I the Almighty Oracle aka Lt. Meela of the Tal Shiar am a proud supporter of the Romulan Star Empire and all of the Activities of Star Trek and their fans.Woohoo cult movement!
February 20th 2004,
          Lots have happened since my last post like Super Shima's Birthday, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Presidents Day...etc. Oh well. I have been looking into cheap domains and right now I'm and looking at one for $12.95 a year (yeah cheapness!) This site if I ever get it a domain will be redone and That girl of Bardcelona will be transfered while Ozzies Academy will be deleted. I mean I still love Monkey Island and the whole Ozzie academy/devil chicken idea but there's is too many other Monkey Island sites out there. Atleast with TGOB I have the biggest El Dorado site. I have thought about getting one of those online journals to ramble on about my complicated little life full of unfinished projects, forgotten ideas, and an assortment of lists. But who would really care? I know I wouldn't besides knowing me (with whom I'd like to think I know pretty well) I would update the thing for 3 weeks tops before I got bored with it. Let's see what else. Oh yeah me and a rep from a college in toronto looks promising who knows maybe it will work out. Speaking of colleges and education you know what is probably one of my biggest pet peeves is? (I mean so big that upon it's mention I would probably kick your ass for bringing it up) It's teasin me about my education in a way saying that I'm some kind of idiot. God I hate then when people look down on me! Ash did that and fucken pissed me off! Even if she was teasing! Or another one that goes with it. Questioning my descisions. Damn It Troy did that one to me I wanted to fucken kill him! Yes I decided to wait till I was 18 to learn to drive, yes I did get a GED (Which for all you assholes who don't know is a diploma!) But you know what? Those descions among others are mine to make and I don't regret them. I swear, I want to go to Canada for college not only because it's cheaper with same amount of education but I sometimes want to lose all contact with everyone I ever met! I mean everyone! Ash, Khaki, Tim, even Dan! I want to come back 10 or 15 years later completely different having made something out of myself. And go to everyone "Fuck you! I made my own choices and descions and I'm where I want to be. What anbout you?" Is it wrong to say you want to forget everyone you ever met in your entire life? That's how I seriously feel. At times I want to live my life in complete social solitude (buissness grounds is the only exception) It's like everyone is in my way... Most of you didn't realize how anti-social the Oracle is did you K+O fans?
December 2nd 2003,
          I updated some of the pages to make them look nice. I hope to find a cheaper site service because homestead is being a  Royal ass hole and charging me $85 a year to keep up these sites. Best of all they update your account every year with so called "Free Upgrades" that they charge you 10 to 15 dollars extra for and I expect if I continue with them my site will be up to $100 a year. Now Khaki and Oracle I wouldn't mind just whipeing the whole thing and starting over but That Girl of Barcelona has just WAY to much stuff for me to do over So I'll probably end up getting rid of this site and making it better entirely once I find a new Service (hopefully with a domain name cheaper then what I'm paying now for a non domain) and my El Dorado site will just be moved over. Let's see what else is New...Oh yes Khaki was home for Thanksgiving and didn't attmpt to call me or email me in any way so A big "FUCK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT KHAKI!" can go out to her  So I'm kinda flaming pissed at her for that uh.... I'm looking into flights to England I can't say when in case Dan reads this. But it won't be anytime soon unfortunately.
October 8th 2003,
          A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ALMIGHTY ORACLE! I'M FINALLY 18! Ok I know ia haven't updated in a really long time but I'm going to this week hopefully. I also know that some of the pics in the other art gallery don't work... I plan on redesigning that and the Stickfigure gallery soon too. I know I don't have the prom pics up in the Gallery but I'll do that when I redisign those two pages. Today I updated the Khaki and Oracle best quotes on the Misc page
Click on the Seal to get a Khaki and Oracle's Seal of approval on your site! All you have to do is Email us your site address!
I The Almighty Oracle am a proud member of the Army of Anubis
All Cast and staff Members must Sign in at the guestbook at least once So If you have a stickfigure sign in! All guests to this site are also welcomed to sign guestbook.
I am a proud member (and owner) of the Club of El Pollo Diablo (The Devil Chicken).
This is for Oracle only, Khaki didn't like this show. Pffff No taste>>>
Khaki and Oracle Cartoons:Pharaoh Ramses The Great!
I will live see the Day when my cartoon Empire crumbles yours! Mark my words Roy Disney!
Oooh Indy still sexy!>>>

Featured Character
Link taken off because site no longer exists :(
Proud Owner of the Clan of the Golden Armadillo